Pepe' and I just wanted to wish all of you out there in fuzzy land a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year!!  Of the many things I'm thankful for, I'm
extreemly thankful for getting to know some of the people I've meet thru the
FML and having become sort of like Web pen pals.  I've enjoyed reading all
the happy stories and sadden by all the tearful ones.  My heart goes out to
all who have lost a furry loved one over the years.  I know I'm gonna give
my fuzzbutt a big hug when I get home tonight weather he wants it or not,
but I'm sure he won't mind.  I 'm tickled pink knowing that I will be there
for my fuzzy's first Christmas, can't wait to see the carpet shark do his
thing Christmas day rummaging thru the wrapping paper going physco!!!  I'm
gonna wrap his present and let him go nuts trying to open it.  Again, happy
holidays to all!!!
Sandra and Pepe'
[Posted in FML issue 1785]