Greetings and Sneezifications!
Just dragged myself out of my flubegone bed of misery - I'm very good at
acting pitiful when I'm sick - to let folks now how much we're enjoying the
Ferret-Adventures Mailing List and Pepita's Mailing List.  There's some
really great stuff, and a lot of fun to be found on both of these fine
lists - even though they do include some of my ramblings.
I encourage everyone who hasn't done so to subscribe to and contribute to
these fine efforts which promote the fun aspects of ferret love.  Neither
they, nor my PML, will ever supplant the FML and the wealth of joy and
information to be found here.  They will, however, provide an outlet for fun
stories that might not fit into an ever growing FML.  As I understand it,
the FML exists to talk about all things ferret.  Primary among these is the
asking and answering of questions that affect the well-being of the Little
Guys who brought us together.  It also provides us with a forum in which to
debate various issues.
This is not to say that the FML is not a place to have fun also.  Lord
knows, I'm one of the worst offenders when it comes to writing silly
letters.  I'd have serious problems if the fun parts of the FML went away.
Guess what I'm really trying to say is that we now have two excellent
outlets for some of our fun writings about ferrets.  Let's take advantage of
them and spread some joy.
Many much loves,
Paw Paw
[Posted in FML issue 1785]