>From:    "Regina J. Hart" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret Food Bowl
>Check out the stainless steel bird bowls that fit inside a metal ring.
>The ring is attached to the cage with a wing nut contraption.
I'm glad these worked for you, but the sure didn't work for me.  Hy guys had
a wonderful time popping the bowls out of the ring sending food flying
everywhere.  The cage I was using at the time had a formica floor & they
would do the *dance* when the dish & food came raining down.  I think they
liked the noise of everything spewing all over the formica.
The best solution I found are CROCK LOCK BOWLS, also a bird supply.  The
difference is the bowl is fastened directly on to the cage with a screw-on
nut - easy on, easy off.  There's also a bracket that goes on before the
screw which keeps the bowl from tilting from side to side.  I also put them
up high when dealing w/persistant diggers.
Of all the bowls I've tried, these are by far the best.  The ceramic break
(*hooman droppage*), galvanized corrode, & the hang-on type are easily
popped off like the steel bowls in the ring.  I found the bin-feeder type
the most trouble of all.  They have to be watched to see when the food level
is getting low, especially if the residual crumbs have to be dumped & if
they have screening in the bottom, crumbs fall all over.
>From:    Karin Magistrali <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Florida-bound Litter Facilities
I always use newspaper on one side of my carriers.  But they may be
cumbersome to replace on the plane.  Use paper towels.  It'll be easy to rip
off a bunch to carry w/you & you can change what's soiled out very easily.
Frodo, Rocks, Anola Gay, SNAFU, FUBAR, Tabu, Chaos & Tuxedo
[Posted in FML issue 1785]