Karin asked about flying with her ferret to Florida...
Gary and I have flown with our ferrets between Boston and AZ a few times now
and this is what I take on the trip.  Water in a bottle with a cap they can
drink out of, treats of some type like raisins or ferretvite, their health
certificates and in the carry case a litter pan and two little afghans made
by Georgia Wood (thanks Georgia!  They still go nuts when I put the blankies
in, they like to be under one and on the other.)
Don't worry about having a lot of space in the carrier.  Mine sleep the
whole way.  After they look around and realize their not going to get out
they think its all boring.
If you're using the airline-type hard carry case putting a litter pan in is
You'll need:
Carry Case
1 Ice Cream quart sized tupper ware container
2 bolts
4 Large washers
2 butterfly nuts
Some type of drill.
Simply put your tupperware in the case on either side.  Drill 2 holes (one
on either side where the bolt will go through the air slots in the case.
Secure the litter pan with the washers, nuts and bolts.  You are ready to
go.  You could cut down the side if you need to make a lower entrance but my
three easily go over the side and the height prevents them from digging all
of the litter out or pulling their blankies in.
I find my babies won't eat any food while travelling, perhaps due to the
strangeness, but they never refuse ferretvite or raisins.  I don't attach a
water bottle to the cage but I offer water at each stop (usually every 4
hours).  They ususally drink a little and then go right back to sleep.
Ferrets are really the ultimate travelling pet!
Hope this helps.
Meeko, Percy and Snoopy's Mom
[Posted in FML issue 1785]