Wish i had a camera with film today - i'm watching two ferrets, who're
staying with Noodle et al, and all five regularly cram into one hammock to
sleep (there are three in the cage).  These hammocks are *maybe* 15 inches
square, and these two guest ferrets are 3-4lbs apiece, so the poor materials
are stretched to their limit holding all these ferrets.  But the cutest
thing (aside from not being able to tell where Friday is (under the other
four) or what part belongs to what ferret) is that every time i go down
there, every one turns sleepy heads towards the front of the cage and starts
yawning.  Sometimes all five will yawn at the same time and i just am beside
myself with the cuteness of it all. :)  Earlier i went down to check on them
and Friday was completely invisible in the mass of brown except for one
white leg sticking straight up out of the middle, between all the
sable/chocolate/cinnamon furries.
Melissa, wondering what to get for the ferrets for xmas that they dont
already have...
      Melissa Litwicki                              "Is it ... atomic?"
      [log in to unmask]                             "Yes! VERY atomic!"
[Posted in FML issue 1785]