Hi there -
Well, here's an interesting one that I cannot figure out.  Our 4 year old
female (Mica) has been getting red slightly raised spots on her skin.  They
seem to last a day or two and then disappear only to show up on some other
part of her body.  Over the last two weeks we found them on her back, her
belly, her neck... so it doesn't appear to be confined to one particular
place.  I don't think its a parasite or anything.  We carefully checked all
three and the dog and cat and found nothing.  I did find some sort of bug on
her but it was neither a flea nor a tick (I know what they look like
unfortunately) but it was no where near any of the bumps.
Any idea what could cause these reddened bumps to appear and disappear?
Thanks for any info!!  Oh, if you would, please respond to me via Email.
I'm in the middle of finals and don't have time to go through to FML every
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[Posted in FML issue 1785]