To All,
I am wondering if it's a normal trait for a blackeyed albino ferret to be
And Bear my young male un-nutered ferret is humping my albino ferret, being
somewhat aggressive, I was told that they usually come into "heat" during
the spring and summer and stay in heat for about 6 months, but sometimes,
they can be in heat during other seasons.  He tends to be more aggresive
towards our new albino, Klondyke, who is male as well, and is nutered.  Bear
wouldn't leave him alone this morning, kept jumping him, grabbing Klondyke
by the back of his neck and holding him down to ride him.  Is he playing?
Please dont laugh at this question!!!!!!
Lucy-(MOMMY, why do you have tons of litter pans in this cabinet) Lucy
loves the cabinet that I store all my baking pans
Bear-(Wow-this ball of snow don't melt when i play with it)
Loosewire-(Geesh, will ya just lay down and be still, we're all tryin to
get some sleep)
Klondyke-(It seems like I have this ENORMOUS growth on my back with teeth,
can it be surgically removed?)
[Posted in FML issue 1784]