How does chocolate affect ferrets?  It isn't extremely bad for them like it
is for dogs is it?  The reason I am wondering is that Scooter got into a
chocolate wrapper and was licking it.  It wasn't very much, but boy was she
mad when I took it away from her!  Things like pop and such aren't harmful
to ferrets either right?  Scooter loves to lick out my glass after I have
some pop, especially cream soda!  She also loves to lick on ju jubes and
often tries to steal a bite, but I don't let her.  Don't get me wrong, I
don't feed my ferret junk all the time, this is just an extra special treat
once a week or so.  Any insight would be appreciated.
Also, do ferrets see in color or just black and white?  Do ferrets begin to
recognize you as a person or do they just recognize you by your smell?  When
either my boyfriend or I walk up to Scooter she won't come close to us until
we put out our hand so she can smell us.  Will she ever recognize who we are
by what we look like?  What is the average price of a ferret in the U.S., or
is it different in every state?  Here in Prince George, BC.  Canada we paid
$213.00 with tax for Scooter.  I am just curious.  A lot of the ferrets that
the pet stores get here come from 'ferret farms' in Montreal, Quebec.
Just an update about Scooter and the Upper Respiratory Infection.  Her blood
did show an increase in something (I can't remember what the vet said),
which does point to some type of infection.  She is now on new antibiotics,
chlor palm 125 susp.  Hopefully this helps.  It has been two days now and
she only had one sneezing fit of three sneezes.  When she was having the
fits I always checked for something in her nose that would be aggravating
her, but it was obvious that it wasn't something like that.  When she did
sneeze, often green snot (sorry for the graphic explanation) would come out.
Oh well, I can only hope this works.  I hate seeing her sick.
Just one small note, Scooter often waits by the fridge for someone to open
it, and then she jumps right inside.  I shut her in once by mistake(only for
about 5 seconds).  When I shut the door I was looking for her.  I knew I had
just saw her there a minute ago.  She is so fast I didn't even see her go
in.  We are very careful now, we always check inside the fridge before
closing it.
Monica, Michael and Scooter
[Posted in FML issue 1783]