>From:    lbarber <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Biting other ferrets
>I would like to hear from human companions with ferrets who viciously
>attack all other ferrets (and other animals for that matter).  My Azrael has
>been like this since he first took over my life at age 6 months.  He's now
>just over four and has no tolerance for any other animals.
Maybe others will give more encouraging news, but I'm sad to say that we
had a very similar situation with our Punky Doodle, may he rest in peace.
We adopted Punk when he was 3 years, so we have no idea what his former life
was like.  We tried desperately to get Punk and Max, our other ferret, to
get along, but it was not to be.  We tried everything we could think of for
months, but they ended up living separate lives... separate cages, out time,
etc.  Our cat lived in fear of Punky and would hiss and run when he saw
Punky coming.  Kitty tried not to let him get within 10 feet.  I can't count
the number of times we had to detach Punky from various parts of the cat's
On the other hand, he would never bite a human, not even in play.  In the 3+
years he was with us, he never once put his teeth on our skin for any
reason.  I even tried many times to get him to play fight, but he wouldn't
bite or grab on under any circumstances.
We love the little guy and miss him terribly.  I wish you the best with
* Michael F. Janke - [log in to unmask]
* Member, South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue
* Shelter Home Page - http://www.bridge.net/~mjanke
[Posted in FML issue 1783]