For those of you who were wondering about teaching ferrets tricks, mine sit
up on command.  You start be encouraging your ferret to sit up with some
lanatone/ferretone on your finger by liftinng your finger a bit higher till
they are properly balanced on their hind legs.  Then you reinforce this a
few times with the command "sit".  Then change the treat to giving
affection, and don't be consistant with the treat, eventually they sit up be
themselves when asked.  Our deaf ferret just has to see our finger presented
in front of him and lifted up and he usually will sit.  this means sit in
ferret "sign".  Good luck.  and you can contact me if you have any
Welcome to
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Phanos- how else can I get into trouble ?
Xienna- I want to play, now!!
Nickles- Mommy they're looking at me...
Dante-the Lasting One
Misty- I will protest if one more ferret arrives here
and Mark-Am I the only sane human here?
[Posted in FML issue 1783]