Greetings from Sanders' Ferret Halfway House -
A most unusual situation here: Last summer a jill was brought to me in
advanced estrus - poor thing's vulva was almost as big as a nickel!  Because
she needed to be brought out of heat immediately, and because I have had
only poor to fair results in bringing jills out of heat with hormone shots,
I chose nature's way, and put her in with one of my hobs who (I thought!)
was totally out of season.  You can guess the rest - she got pregnant, but
within two weeks of breeding she had put on weight, gums turned pink again,
and had six fat and healthy kits.  I have found homes for most of the
babies, but I am very reluctant to deprive her of her last daughter.  My
policy is to keep any jill I use for a breeder - and this is the only time I
have ever bred a "rescue" ferret - but my other jills don't want to accept
this gal.  Meanwhile, I've located another nearby shelter that has a
vasectomized male, if a similar emergency ever arises.
These are rather ordinary little sable jills, but boy can they play!  Mom is
about 14 months old, and her girl was born in August.  They are available to
the right person who will pay for the vaccinations they've had.  There is a
catch, however, the new owner must sign a contract to have them spayed ASAP,
which runs about $65.  at the vet I use.  Mom has never bitten anyone that
I'm aware of, but Daughter is still a bumptious, nippy kit.  Hope to hear
from you, Judith Sanders
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[Posted in FML issue 1772]