Hi FML peoples!  This is Percy
--and Snoopy! I'm here too! Don't forget me!!
We live with our hooman Mama and Daddy, Merlin the dog and our sister ferret
Meeko.  We need your help.  Meeko goes absolutely CRAZY over raisins.
--Yeah, she's nuts!
Mama taught me to roll over for my treat and Snoopy climbs up her arm.
Meeko used to stand up but she kept missing the raisin and biting Mama!
Then she would think there wasn't a raisin at all and keep biting.  For a
while Mama put the raisin on the floor but last night she dropped her raisin
and couldn't find it then she bit Mama when she tried to find it for her.
--Meeko's being BAD!  Biting is BAD!
That's right Snoopy, anyways the problem is that if she doesn't stop biting
Mama says she will lose ALL HER RAISIN PRIVILAGES!
Does anyone know a way to work through this?  We love our sister and don't
want her to miss out on treats.
--My turn Percy, move over.  Hi Snoopy here!!!  We PICNIC TOO!  Only we have
a reason!  Merlin the dog is our friend.  Mama makes him eat DOG FOOD!  He
likes our food.  We leave little hidden stashes for him and he follows us
around for yummy nibbles.  Percy even digs out half of the food bowl onto
the floor for him.
--We is gonna fly for Christmas!  Percy and Meeko have been on planes before
but I'm only 5 months old and this is my first trip.  Percy says its fun
going to airports and you make lots of friends.
Percy back again.  we hope all our furry cousins are having a good holiday,
whatever they celebrate, and we send healing thoughts to all who are ill.
Many dooks and snuggles.
Percy and Snoopy (using Mama' s 'pooter)
[Posted in FML issue 1782]