One question:
Talk about timely!  Two days ago i was showing off how well Potpie tolerated
my forcing indignities on her, demonstrating by prying her mouth open to
look at her teeth.  I noticed some discoloration so i checked Noodle's
molars as well - same discoloration.  Now Modern Ferret tells me that's
*tartar* and it should be scaled.  Oops.  Does anyone here have
recommendations on whether or not, with four ferrets, i should just do this
myself?  What type of scaler should i buy?
Boy, just watch them love me more and more every day..  hee.  Speaking of
indignities, I'd like to remind everyone that I clip my ferrets' nails
without benefit of a distracting aid - i reward them after i'm done, and
Potpie i don't bother rewarding with a treat at all - just a snuggle and
smooch.  And relatively speaking, they're all very, very good about it!
Potpie, after she sniffs the fingernail clippers, will just sit there like a
lump until i'm done.  But of course, this is also the ferret who's 100% with
the litter box, all the time, in EVERY house i've been in, no matter what
room she's in, no matter how far it is back to her cage.  :) (the other
three are compensating by being faaar less than perfect in that respect,
So, i DO desperately need this advice: what're your proven carpet-stain
removers for ferret urine stains? Resolve does not work and nor, do i
suspect, will a steam cleaning.
Melissa and the "POOP one two three POOP two three POOP ahoy!"
      Melissa Litwicki                              "Is it ... atomic?"
      [log in to unmask]                             "Yes! VERY atomic!"
[Posted in FML issue 1781]