Congrats to the Vances on their Hooman baby.  My initial wonder was whether
the fuzzies were actually allowing their Hoomans TIME to breed... but then I
realized it's part of their master plan.  More Hoomans, more warm houses for
ferts to take over, I mean live in.
Krazy Kritter: Re the extra copy of Modern Ferret: How 'bout the local
library?  With the state of school funding these days, and the growing
popularity of the beasties, it might reach more folks that way.  Depends on
your locals' access to other resources, though.
As for us, the 2-member Weasel Patrol is just fine, thanks... though they
could stand some clipping.  When out & about, they are occasionally managing
to get their jaws around the edge of the acrylic sheeting and pry it off of
the velcro (!) far enough to scoot through.  Our worst problem (ha!) though
is the constant snowfall of the loose recycled newspaper bedding through the
cage bars.  I'm not entirely thrilled with the RN bedding because of that
and it seems to mat up even when dry; plus it sticks like crazy to their
blankets.  Any thoughts?
I've been trained - I mean I've learned - that if I go to say goodbye to
them in the morning while wearing the hooded sweatshirt, I won't be leaving
quickly.  I usually end up with fuzzy passengers on my head if the hood's
up, and IN the hood if it's down.  Oops, guess you'll have to clean the
cage, honey, I've gotta leave... he he he.
 bye for now,
    Chuck, Amy, and Alex Staples
    with Drew, Ty (hopeless mustelids)
        Cam & Janney (useless felines)
    [log in to unmask]
    73624,[log in to unmask]
        Maybe someday not just another lame web page!
        Send me your fert references!
    "Persistence... is fert-ile!"
[Posted in FML issue 1780]