>From:    "John H. Duda" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Help for my sick one - Bearbee
This is the 6th time I've heard about the same scenario this month, except
that the same symptoms developed w/in 2 days of exposure to the new kit.  In
at least of 2 these cases, the kits were purchased from the same pet store &
both were MF.  All of the 5 kits have had a general checkup by the vet &
were given a clean bill of health.  I'll contact my vet to see if I can get
any additional info on the other 3 affected adult ferrets she saw.
As for the outcome of the 2 adult ferrets whose owners contacted me - one is
fairing well on supportive treatment including *assisted feeding* of Science
Diet A/D & Duck Soup, antibiotics, & Pedialite (sp?).  The other wasn't so
fortunate, the owner didn't contact me until 10 days later when there was
considerable weight loss & I don't think the ferret was taken to the vet
immediately as I recommended.  The ferret started bleeding from the mouth &
rectum (I think it was 14 days from onset) & was euthanized.  Unfortunately
no necropsy was performed.
[Posted in FML issue 1778]