Hey all.  What an exciting weekend I've had.  My roommate got a new kit,
she's a small, perfect silvermitt named Static.  Here's the problem...
When we got Static home, we began handling her and picking her up and stuff
and I picked her up (gently, as I would any other ferret) and I heard a
"snap" sound from her front leg.  I thought I'd broken her leg and I felt SO
bad!  Static didn't seem to be in any pain, however, and when I set her
down, she ran and dooked and played, but later when Katie picked her up, she
heard the same sound.  It happens almost every time we pick her up.  I
really have never experienced such a thing.  It sound a little bit like when
you pop your knuckles or a joint or something, but it's a very frightening
sound on a baby!  Anyone ever seen this before, know what it is, have any
suggestions?  I'm almost too scared to handle her, I don't want to hurt her.
She's about 8-9 weeks old, so she's not a tiny tiny baby.
Also, to MsPea who was thinking about requesting a permit for edcational
purposes for her ferrets, if they give it to you, that would be great...but
that also lets them know (before they agree to give you a permit) that you
have ferrets.  This was done, to some extent, in San Antonio.  People could
get permits to take their ferrets in to a school or petstore for an
educational thing, but I guess when you're talking about a whole state where
they're illegal, that's another story probably.
If you can get this permit, you need it though.  I think that part of the
fight for legalization has to be education.  A lot of people haven't seen a
ferret or played with a ferret and have to rely on second hand rumors and
misinformation (in most cases) to make their decisions on the animals.  It's
not like a cat.  If cats were illegal, everyone's seen cats and knows cats
and enough people would be up in arms that a law like that wouldn't last
long.  I still have people in San Antonio come up to me and have no idea
what kind of animal I was holding.  Not a clue...The problem is that you
have no exposure.  I once had a woman come up to me while I was holding one
of my ferrets tucked into my arms and ask, "Do they have legs or are they
just like furry snakes?" (the way I was holding him, you couldn't see his
little paws).  Sigh.
Well, good luck, MsPea, I hope it works!  Please, anyone with any ideas what
may be wrong with Static, let me know.  We still plan on getting her to a
vet monday, though.  Thanks!
(and the growing crew of apt#218)
Reverend Maynard: "The best toys are the live ones they bring home from time
to time...hey where'd the baby go?"
Edie: "Snore, squeak."
Cosette: "Where did this runt come from...I'm the baby!"
Static: "WOOW, look at all the space to run and play in!"
[Posted in FML issue 1778]