(to the song Over the River and Through the Woods)
Over the carpet and through the door
To the Christmas tree we go
We ferrets know how
To strip every bough
Of lights and tinsel too-oo!
Climb up the branches, head straight for the top
Start flinging each shiny ball
We'll sing and we'll prance
We'll dook and we'll dance
Each time we hear one of them fall.
Climb down the branches,
And cross the room
Head straight for our hidey-hole
We've got lots of stuff - ooh, look at that muff
We've almost achieved our go-al.
Stash all of the goodies, then take a nap
Tomorrow's another day.
We'll start out again
And steal a new pen
For Christmas is here - hooray!
By Mary Cohen  Happy Holidays to All
[Posted in FML issue 1777]