hello! =)
In about a month...well in January, I will be retrieving my ferret that my
mom has been kindly watching in Pennsylvania...I will be traveling by plane
from here (Houston, Texas) to Penn. now i have an approved airline
traveling case for my ferret, all that was taken care of...now i will be
flying Delta, I have been told I must pay I think $40.00 and have him vet
checked 10 days before flight..my problem is, that i can't have him with me
during the flight, he will be considered baggage..now this is somewhat
bothering me...is that all safe?  I dunno maybe i'm just over reacting..any
reassurance will be greatly appreciated =)
Thanx a bunch, steph in houston, bailey in pa.   3:----o
                    steph flaherty
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                   ~::feel da vibe::~
               auburn/tha red-headed ravah~
[Posted in FML issue 1770]