Today, something very upsetting happened in the Alley Cat Pet Center.
I wanted to hold one of the ferrets so I asked the clerk if I could.  I've
held many squirmy ferrets in my time, but this one seemed abnormally edgy.
It was as if she didn't know how to be held gently.  But I didn't pay it
much mind because I know how unpredictable ferrets can be, and how unique
their personalities are.  I held her for a couple minutes, and she never
nipped me.  I commented on this, and the store clerk (around 18-21 years
old), proudly gave himself the credit, stating that he handles "them a
couple times a day to train them how not to bite."
When I gave her back to the proud store clerk, she bit him.  He proceeded to
thump her on the nose (which is acceptable corrective behavior), but then he
squeezed her so hard in his hand she started screaming louder than any
ferret I've heard.  He had her back was against her palm and it looked like
he was twisting her arm in his grip.  I exclaimed, "What are you doing?  I
think you're hurting her!" He didn't let go.  I saw his grip on her and it
was beyond corrective.  It was rough, unnecessary, and abusive.  Still
holding her like this, he told his associate to "scruff her".  The manager
then came over and said that wasn't necessary.  I was saying, "You're not
supposed to train a ferret this way.  If they bite you, you're supposed to
push your finger, wrist, or where ever they're biting back towards their
head so they're forced to release their bite." This is the way I was taught.
The manager said, "No, I haven't heard of that before.  You're supposed to
thump them." True, but I wasn't objecting to the thump.  I walked out
stating that this was a violent way of training a ferret and that it wasn't
right.  The store clerk said sarcastically, "Have a nice day," as I left.
When I got back to work, I called the pet company to find out more about it.
There are only two franchises: one in Portland, OR and the one at the
Vancouver Mall.  I got the name of the owner and asked to speak to him.  It
turns out the owner is the same manager that was there on the scene.  I
spoke with him on the phone for about 45 minutes about what happened.  He
seemed sincere, but here's what he said.  The store clerk is new, still on
30 days probation and has never worked in a pet store before.  He's been
there 3 1/2 weeks now.
In short, the manager agreed that for the most part the clerk's behavior was
wrong (though the manager never agreed that the intensity-level of the
scream caused by the clerk was abnormal) but he's going to give the clerk
another chance.  I think the clerk should be fired for this incident.  The
manager admitted that he's noticed that the clerk "didn't take correction
well" in other areas too.  I really sensed a lot of anger in the clerk, at
me for objecting and at the ferret for biting him.  He just seemed like an
angry person in general.  "You can't have angry, inexperienced people
handling ferrets" I told the manager.  Still, the manager said he's going to
talk to the clerk, and then give him another chance to see if he'll change.
I've lived around angry people before.  In general, they don't change.  What
I'm afraid of is that the clerk will just deny that he hurt the ferret, and
then hide his abusive behavior from now on.
I am concerned about this angry young store clerk showing these little
ferrets "how not to bite" twice a day.  Especially since I witnessed just
how he shows them.  The disturbing thing is that not only did the clerk not
have any qualms about rough handling the ferret in front of me and other
clerks, but when I called him on it, he defended his actions.
I told the manager I was contemplating reporting this incident to the Oregon
Ferret Association (of which he seemed very nervous) Since the manager has
decided to keep the clerk on, I'm going to do this.
If you agree with me that the store clerk should be dismissed for the
incident rather than just warned (after all, isn't that what probation
periods are for), please call the manager Larry Zimmer at 360-256-8111.
He's a reasonable man (but I think a bit naive) and is very concerned about
keeping customers happy.  If he gets enough calls, he may decide it's not
worth hiring the clerk on permanently.
A clerk who abuses once will abuse again.  You may be saving a lot of baby
ferrets from pain.
By the way, this is the first time I've done anything like this.  I am not
an activist.  But what I witnessed today was so sad, I had to try to do
something about it.
If you want to discuss the incident with me in more detail, please call me
at 360-256-4400 x 1264.
Chris Christen
[Posted in FML issue 1776]