I've been trying to figure out why my group is vomiting during surgery when
their last meal has been 5-6 hours earlier.  Could our bout with ECE have
something to do with the way they digest their food since the digestive
tract is damaged during ECE?  Could it possibly take longer to digest the
If this is the case, this information might help others that have had ECE
and need to have surgery in the future.
I'm positive we'll have plenty of opportunities to figure out what the time
frame should be.  We still have 2 adrenal surgeries to go, that brings us up
to 7 so far and no doubt more in the future.
Strange but our adrenal ferrets didn't have a difficult time with ECE and
several are oldsters.  Could the estrogen have played a part????
The girls are hanging in there.  Zipper climbed the barrier last night and
overworked herself yesterday.  She was very sore.  She would walk a few
steps with her hump high (hasn't had a hump for ages due to the spleen) and
lay only her head on the floor.  She is very uncomfortable.
Can she have 1/8 of a baby aspirin for pain or a sprinkle of valerian root?
If she keeps this up she'll get a knock out drug so she can heal.  She is
more active now than she has been for quite some time, only now she really
does need to be still.  I can't cage her because she bites on the wire and
scratches.  She really works herself up.  She isn't even content to be in
the living room with me, she wants the ENTIRE house, so she has it.  (sigh)
Anyone have any valium or librium?  Just teasing.  :-) Charlie is sleeping a
lot and we still have them both on 4 hour feedings.
Hugs to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 1776]