Do any of you use PVC pipe stuff for crawl tubes?  We only have an elbow and
a T section.  It's about 4" wide or diameter or something like that.  I had
some empty liter bottles of soda.  I cut the ends off, washed and dried them
and attached them to the pipe stuff with clear package sealing tape.  Then
turned the babies loose.  They can see through the soda bottle sections so
attack each other that way.  I need a few more bottles to make it longer.
They all love it but Pogo does something pretty strange.  If he goes in one
of the ends and if another baby, Dad or I go to the other end and tap our
foot (if on the floor) or our fingers if on my bed....he goes nuts and
starts wagging his tail as fast as a dog!  It's so funny that we can't stop
laughing.  We've had 8 ferrets now and not a single one has ever wagged its
tail until now.  He taps and wags it so hard and loud that it sounds like a
drum.  So how come I don't have a video camera?  Does anyone else have
fuzzies that play the drums?  It's too bad I found him so late in life.  In
my 20's I had my own band and didn't always get along with my drummer.  I
surely would have replaced him with Pogo.  :o)
To: MsPea
We have folded all our little paws, played soft music low in the background,
sat still (but only for a minute or two) while mama said a prayer for your
lost loved one, Elwood.  Then we lit a candle to light his way while an
eagle flys him fast to the Rainbow Bridge.
To: Steven Woodcock <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Slinky Passed Over, 11/26/96
We added her to our prayers. Know that she was well loved for 8 full years.
And that she'll be waiting for you also.
To: "Michael F. Janke" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: We'll miss you Punky Doodle
He sent you a special note.  Here's hoping it arrived safely.  Mama lit a
special candle for him also.  Know in your heart that he is no longer sick.
Cheers, chuckles, dooks and a howl from the crew......
Rascal (chief in charge and mama's main lover boy), Brandy (still way too
busy to pay attention), May-wee (such a frail wee little baby girl but
fiesty!), Pogo (mama calls me Bubba cause I'm a real CHUNK!), Lobo (the Guard
Wolf) and their mama too!
[Posted in FML issue 1770]