To: Paige Townsend <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Hunting Instincts...Lightning and the stray wild mouse?
Now here's a story that needs to be sent to the CACAF&G guys and government
politicians.  It would show them that these little fuzzies are just too
mellow to be of danger.  When it should have been going wild with a 'CATCH
and KILL' attitude, instead it was gently feeding it.  So come
you don't keep your camera ready at all times?  That would have been a great
picture to go with a great story!
So what's happening in our world?  There are still Freedom Fighters in every
land and now even Canada is turning on it's people over these little guys.
What's next...we'll get a ticket if we wake up and try to smell the roses?
Maybe go to jail for feeding wild birds?  What a scarey concept!  There are
much worse situations for our government employees to fix than to make
everyone a criminal over their choice of a ferret.  This news saddens me
Cheers, chuckles, dooks and a howl from the crew......
Rascal (chief in charge and mama's main lover boy), Brandy (still way too
busy to pay attention), May-wee (such a frail wee little baby girl but
fiesty!), Pogo (mama calls me Bubba cause I'm a real CHUNK!), Lobo (the
Guard Wolf) and their mama too!
[Posted in FML issue 1775]