Hi all you ferret fans.  I also am new to the FML although this is my second
post.  It is amazing what a variety of humans have fuzzyitis!  I have been a
Siamese cat mom all my life until I adopted my first weasel woman four years
ago.  My love for these wonderful creatures is now equal to my feline
affections.  In August of '95 I was shopping for a larger cage for Ferret
Bueller, who was spending only supervised play periods out of cage.  Well,
we picked out the Ferret Playpen by Midwest at the pet shop and my then ten
year old human daughter thought that big cage looked so empty in the store.
She had her eye on Bueller's clone in the ferret display at the store.  Once
she picked up Houdini she could never have put her back in with her
littermates.  Dini fell asleep in her arms while we purchased the cage and
her and awoke to meet her new older sister.  Poor Ferret Bueller who,
although loved by us, spent so many lonely months in that small cage now had
her life completely changed in one afternoon.  She had a new ferret sibling
to romp with and cozy to, not to mention enjoy mutual bathing sessions with!
And her new cage home had not one hammock, but three plus a hanging tube.
It must have been like a single human getting a family and a Beverly Hills
mansion all at once!  I was very happy that Ferret Bueller took to Houdini
in a matter of minutes and they are the closest companions in their little
fuzzy lives.  I only feel bad to have waited 3 years to finally take the
plunge and increase our ferret count.  For those of you who are single baby
parents, please believe all reports that two are better than one, and so on
and so forth.  This is what I refer to as "ferret mitosis".  Bamboo, our
cat, can't figure out how that "anorexic feline" divided!  You too can
increase the pleasure in your fuzzy's little lifetime by adopting another in
need of a home.
Now a question to my new FML friends: Can anyone tell me anything about LM
Premium Vita-Vittles Gold Ferret Food?  A sales rep overheard me talking to
a pet food store manager about stocking Totally Ferret, so he gave me a free
2lb.  bag of LM.  The first few ingredients are Fish Meal, Poultry Meal,
Ground Corn, Soybean Meal, & Animal Fat.  Protein is min.  32% and Fat is
min.  10% (which I realize is a little lower than recommended).  Has anyone
had any experience with this food?  I am feeding 1/2 TF & 1/2 Biljac now.
The LM costs slightly less than TF but is it worth changing to?
I happen to know of the lovely verse about the Rainbow Bridge but I'm sure
some of the other new FMLers don't know what everyone is referring to, so
maybe someone could reprint it in memory of all those lost fuzzbutts we will
see again someday.
Dooks & Licks, Gaye
Ferret Bueller & Houdini
Bamboo (and other humans, Kirk, Kim, & Amy)
[Posted in FML issue 1774]