Hey guys, what's up?  I haven't posted in awhile, but I have some new
questions.  I need a new cage for my ferret Sebastian.  Right now, he's
living in a relatively small cage I bought for him about a year and a half
ago, but he is in desperate need of a new one.  I'd prefer to buy him a good
one for Christmas rather than build my own, because I'm a clutz when it
comes to building things.  Anybody have any suggestions on where I can get a
good-sized cage for him, preferably in the South Florida area, but if you
know of a good place that will ship it to me, I'm open to suggestions.
Also, what should I put on the floor of his cage?  I use kitty litter now,
because he tends to use the bathroom in any corner he damn well pleases.
I've heard that putting a rug on the floor of his cage is better.  Ideas,
comments, beliefs?
Any replies to this will be greatly appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 1770]