We had to rush our male albino to the emergency clinic last night about 9PM.
We traveled from Arkansas to SC the day before thanksgiving and
Thanksgiving.  The day we left, he seemed less than his happy self.  On
Thursday night when we arrived home, they got out and played for awhile and
he was still droopy.  They slept until 4 or so Friday, and we let them out
to play.  Snowflake would not get out.  We looked him over, no sneezing,
wheezing, fever, no nothing.  The only thing that is wrong is he is
lethargic, no energy.  We called the vets in the area, but they where all
closed.  So well force fed him water and duck soup, intent on taking him to
the vet on Saturday morning.  We ate dinner, and checked on him again.  He
appeared to be sinking, so we rushed him to a Emergency Care unit about 30
miles away.
The doc said he knew very little about ferrets.  He felt him and said he
felt something strnage in the very low down.  He Xrayed and it only showed
alot of gas, but no blockage.  We had not seen him go to the bathroom, so
this sounded possible.  So they kept him last night, on IV and ran all the
stardard test.  We called this morning and they said he was the same, but he
had used the bathroom, peed and pooped.  They instructed us to take him to
our vet this morning.
What could this be?  Help us!
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thanks, Jamie GUnter
[Posted in FML issue 1770]