I have been a ferret owner now for almost a week.  I took Critter on a trial
basis last Monday.  First he spent the day with me at work (I teach school)
and had a ball racing around my classroom.  I was hooked within minutes.
When I got him he was living in a cat-sized pet carrier with a leaky water
bottle and cedar shavings on the bottom.  He couldn't turn around or stand
up against the cage door and had nothing to play with.  They hadn't let him
out in a few weeks because he was getting in the way of some construction
work in the house.  His chewing at night was annoying them.
That family had only had him for a few months also.  They thought he would
be like a rabbit or guinea pig and weren't prepared for his personality.
I am in LOVE.  Critter is great.  He now has a large dog-sized Pet Porter
with a plywood second story.  He has a litter box and cardboard tubes and
ping pong balls and a hammock.  Tonight I cleaned his cage and gave him an
old baby comforter -- he rolled and rolled and then fell right asleep.
When I'm home he runs the house, plays hockey in the shower stall, tunnels
in my bedcovers, teases my toddler for treats.
In cyberspace no one can hear you scream...
[Posted in FML issue 1770]