Just sending a smile or two.....
All my ferrets love to kiss and cuddle me all the time except Pogo. I only
get one kiss a week from him, usually on Sunday morning (how does he always
know what day it is anyway?) and after my kiss I usually put him down on my
bed and this is what happens....
SPIT!::::::SPAT!:::::::POO POO!::::::::falls over!:::::::goes
Spastic!::::::Spit!!::::SPAT!::Dances sideways and then jumps back in my
arms to attack!:::::Whew!
You don't suppose he knows kisses are bad, do you?  And he's a macho boy!
He knows boys don't kiss boys so Dad never gets any!  haha
Cheers, chuckles, dooks and a howl from the crew......
Rascal (chief in charge and mama's main lover boy), Brandy (still way too
busy to pay attention), May-wee (such a frail wee little baby girl but
fiesty!), Pogo (mama calls me Bubba cause I'm a real CHUNK!), Lobo (the
Guard Wolf) and their mama too!
[Posted in FML issue 1799]