Hi all,
Thanks to all who responded with kind words.  You'll be Happy to know Gizmo
is doing Great !!  He will be on vitamin K for about three more weeks but he
seems to be happy and wants to play a lot.  Since the poison thins the blood
and causes bleeding we have to keep him seperated from Frasier for now.  We
let one out for free time at a time now.  I didn't realize Frasier cared so
much for Gizmo but when we let Fraiser out of his cage he always goes to
Gizmo's cage and tries to let him out too!  I am not exagerating !
I will be much more careful in the future in an environment other than thier
Tom & Connie
Fraiser--I'll bust you out kid,  haven't seen a jail that could hold me
Gizmo-- I'm feeling fine--let me outta here !
[Posted in FML issue 1799]