This is Special Agent Raidens MOM here.  Raiden is asleep in his cage under
his favourite towel, so I have a minute.
My husband and I may be moving within a year or so to somewhere in Southern
ONTARIO Canada.  We aren't sure where yet, as he doesnt have a definite job
set up yet in the computer field.  I am looking for a JOB for either a
ferret vet, a regular vet, or ferret shelter where I can be fully trained
for the job, and hopefully work with ferrets and/or animals on a regular
basis.  Currently I do not have vet, vet assistant, or shelter experience
but would do ANYTHING for a chance to train.
This is something I would consider VOLUNTEERING for, if there were prospects
for employment in the future.  I have lots of reception, office (word
processing) and some computer experience that will be an asset for any
office situation.  Since I am not entirely positive where all these job
possibilities may be located, I wanted to write all of you in order to get
the word out.
My story:
I wanted to meantion, that I have had Raiden for about 2 years.  I have
wanted a ferret since I was 5 years old when a vet came into my kindergarden
class to show this wonderful fur critter.  I had wanted a ferret with a
passion beyond anything I have ever felt, but was unable to because of
places i was living like apartments with NO PETS.  I got Raiden from the
S.P.C.A.  The interesting thing was, my Raiden was previously owned by a
criminal!  A person wanted by the police!!!  Just before Raiden was brought
in, what happened is the previous owner, being a criminal, was riding in a
cab one night.  The police spotted him in the cab...chased him down..the man
ordered the cab to a halt..and ran out!  Leaving a little black bag in the
back of the cab.  He got away from the police, but the police then found the
little black bag in the back with Raiden in it!
So they brought him to the S.P.C.A., and I bought him after that.  Where I'm
leading this story to, is that Raiden, I could tell was neither fed well or
treated well.  A week or so after he was home, I took him to a near by
park....for a wasnt going too well.  Raiden was getting more and
more nervous.  I had a cheap harness on him, and a screw came loose and he
tried to get away from me, terrified!  He bit me in the fleshy part of my
thumb SO hard, the whole muscle was BLACK for weeks.  I was quite hurt in my
heart that this happened at the time, but then I realized how much he needed
me and a good stable home. At first he was biting every available male in or
out of the house!  And HARD!  Any time in the past Raiden has bitten me, it
was out of sheer FEAR! That I now know. He is so very precious to me
considering the life he probably came from, and knowing his personality and
him trusting me is improving all the time.  He never bites out of fear now.
I'm sure those of you that have read my little stories of Raiden and the
Enemy Defense Cat "Crimson", can tell how much I love our fuzzballs, and if
I were to choose, i would be around ferrets 24 hours a day!  Considering
what I have been through with Raiden, I would love a chance to enter the
ferret world. I could ofcourse look for any old job, but I would do ANYTHING
for a job with ferrets/and or pets.  I am an easy going, bubbly, honest,
hard working individual looking for any leads in this area.  If you wish to
have a look at my resume or know anyone that would, please e-mail me at:
[log in to unmask]
Thanx so much!
Dooks to all, and to all goodnight!
Daralynn, Raiden and Crimson
PS:  Come visit me at #Dookin on Quarterdeck!  I am on at sometimes odd
hours but dont give up!  I look forward to some warm ferret talk! :)
[Posted in FML issue 1799]