Okay, now after losing Elwood still not so long ago, I have not read the FML
for a while, but I am catching up.  I also had something recently happen
that has made me want to dive right in shoulder high in all this crap about
fuzzies being illegal.  I have had enough!  Show me to the buttheads that
need a slapping to get this strightened out!
Here is what happened.  We went to the LA Zoo yesterday to get out of the
house, after being in it all weekend.  When we got there we thought to ask
at the info desk about some exhibits that may have reopened.  Oh, and about
that FERRET that we saw in the nursery last time we were there!
The woman said that they have him as a teaching tool for children.  I said,
"Imagine that.  They can have an illegal animal to teach children but
teachers in the classroom cannot.  How nice." I have to admitt my tone was
not one of happiness, but I was not mean.
Then, this woman I swear to you said to me, "Yes well they are escape
artists (Yes, don't all of us who have them know this!) and if they get
away, they will destroy the Earth." This is what a suposed TRAINED
PROFESSIONAL told me a seemingly unknowning citizen!!  I could not believe
it!!  I am so mad.  I wish I lived next to Sacramento, I would be in
political faces right now!
Ugh.  I am so unhappy about this.  If this woman was just telling this to
all the people she came in contact with, and she was not handling the
animal, then what are the handlers saying?  What were they saying at this
little kiddy show, and to the parents of the kiddies?  I intend to find out.
For you guys out there, let me know if anyone else has had this happen.  I
have every intention of contacting some in that nursery and getting to the
bottom of this.  But still, I fear for my remaining kids.  I just have to
remember never to reveal that I have any kids!  I hope that works.
Will keep in touch.
        This space dedicated in loving memory of Elwood.
        Born to play, always ready with love and kisses.
        My dearest friend, you will be missed.
[Posted in FML issue 1772]