>From:    Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Bob C Reference of the day
>This article should be a wake up call for all of us.  We need to investigate
>the reasons rather than assuming a particular breeder is to blame.  This
>isn't like the tobacco industry sweeping 50 years of science under the
>carpet; this is an instance where ***no*** one knows, and unfair or
>erroneous accusations and finger pointing may cause funding or other
>research the dry up, and we may *never* know the truth.  It is ironic to
>think those making the loudest complaints may be actually unknowingly
>transmitting the virus to their own animals.  We need to know the *WHY* in
>order to stop or cure the problem.
Thank you for saying more eloquently rather much what we've also been trying
to say.  It is possible to not like something (MF) but still wish to treat
them fairly.  It is possible to admit "I don't know" but still be a resource
for ferret folks.
We do not approve of several of MF's practices.  Early altering is most
likely harmful in the long run.  They appear to be doing it earlier than
only a few years ago.  BUT they are not the source of all evils of the
world.  Lets co-operate with them.  We can probably get them to co-operate
on researching the various cancers but only if we approach them as rational
ferret lovers not as raging ferret zealots.  MF does produce some very nice
ferrets.  Accept that.  Move on.
Honey will catch more flies than vinegar.  Been hearing this all our lives.
We CAN work toward ending the "bad" practices at MF without trying to
destroy them and ourselves in the process.
>Susan E. Erdman, Phyllis J. Kanki, Frances M. Moore, Susan A. Brown, Thomas
>A. Kawasaki, Keith W. Mikule, Karin U. Travers, Steven F. Badylak, and
>James G. Fox.
Susan Erdman is the Dr. that Jeff Johnston has been citing recently.
Susan Brown is in the Chicago area.
Tom Kawasaki is our friend and neighbor here in Virginia.
James Fox editted the seminal ferret medical reference.
This is a strong well credentialled list.
I guess with Mo'Bob and Mo'Maggie being in Missouri I'm only Not-no-Mo'Bill
since I USED to live in St.  Louis.....
A few other topics....
We attended an exotic pet expo this weekend in Fort Washington,
Pennsylvania.  It was a pleasure getting to talk to Rose Smith of the Legion
of SuperFerrets and Jodi and Steve Schroth of the Susquehanna Valley Ferret
Club.  It's been a long time since we've seen them.  Thanks for the info on
the upcoming specialty show...now if we can convince you to have a "Fat and
Sassy" specialty so we can enter our "Fat Elvis".  Nothing seems to work for
that boy.  The ferret stairmaster is on order for Christmas.
You folks should check out the new book by Mary Shefferman of Modern Ferret.
Maybe we're a bit biased since a picture of a few ferrets we bred made it in
but it is a nice little book.  We haven't finished reading it all because it
has a lot of information.  It covers some topics the other books have not,
such as this list.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1772]