Dear FML and friends,
I would like to make several clarification's to the article that appeared in
the Sept./Oct. 1996 American Ferret Report (AFA's newsletter) on page 16:
1.  STAR*'s Grant is NOT exiting the shelter business (as the headline
claims).  My private ferret shelter, Pet Pals, had to be closed for my move
to a new residence.  I have now re-opened as a ferret referral and placement
service, as was released on the FML and other sources in late November.
2.  STAR* Ferrets is a NOT-FOR-Profit network service.  Funds received for
subscriptions are used to produce a quarterly newsletter, a book entitled
_Ferret Care and Rescue_, copying materials for free distribution at the
HSUS Animal Care Expo and booth space at the annual expo, plus ferret care
literature and resource listings sent to anyone who requests information,
whether they remember to send the SASE or not.
3.  STAR* Ferrets did NOT change addresses.  Pet Pals did take the liberty
of using the STAR* postbox for the transition, and will be sharing in the
cost of maintaining the Post Office address.
4.  Once again, my shelter is not closed, nor is my direct work in rescue
and adoption at an end.  I am piloting a new method of doing ferret
placement, which, if successful, may be expanded to a national endeavor.
For more information about ferret rescue, adoption, placement, care,  shelter
operations, etc., please send a SASE to:
Shelters That Adopt & Rescue
STAR* Ferrets
P. O. Box 1714
Springfield, VA 22151-0714
Thank you,
Pamela Troutman Grant
[Posted in FML issue 1793]