Tasha, about the sacks, I have one for our kids.  Our Ferris used hers all
over, to the vet, park, or anywhere else.  She loved it.  Baloo, our 11
month old male, he does not like it all that much.  He much preferes to SEE
where he is going!  They do not close all the way so they get air, yet the
ferret can burrow to some extent inside.  I always put a towel or blanket in
with them.  I think it all depends on if your fuz will use one.
Ours is actually The Ferret NapSack made by It Pawsitively Works!  in Mpls,
MN.  I cannot believe I still have the tag from 6 years ago and I knew where
it was!  I am not sure if they are still in business, but I think so.
Monica, about the Better Bus. B, they only will do something if the merchant
you are complaining about BELONGS to the BBB.  Aparently the merchant pays
to be a part of the BBB to become credible.  The BBB is not a legal entity,
in a manner of speaking.  They cannot prosecute, to my knowledge, only fine
and punish if you are a member merchant.  This is what I have found anyway
in my dealings with a not so great merchant here.
Stephanie, so sorry about your troubles.  I have had some of the same
problems myself, but for me I have a few years yet before I panick.  Just
remind yourselves, as we do often, that it is not your fault.  You do your
best and live with that.  I do hope you are blessed with great news very
To the rest of you, Ah, where do I start.  I think we have had our share of
trouble lately.  We have now lost two kids in the last month, both
"old-timers" of 6 and 4.  Our baby Baloo, 9 months is still with us.  I took
him in to the vet today in place of Ferris.  He has been cleared and found
to be in great health.  He also got his first shot today and he was a real
trouper.  He earned at least 5 raisens for that one.
We are now making plans to maybe add to our family.  I know we live in a FFZ
but one cannot live without the little critters once you have had them.  I
won't give out the details, but it won't be for a while anyway.  I may want
to get them from a shelter, do you guys to that?  Or do you not send them
into CA because of all the crap?  Is this something that would prevent us
from adopting from a shelter?  I would like to know ahead of time.  Please
let me know here.
Beyond that, I guess we will go to a breeder.  My way of dealing with pet
stores is to not buy stuff from them.  I shop at a feed store that does not
sell animals.  I don't think pet stores should sell animals anyway, but that
is my opinion.  I just hate to see the animals suffer.
Anyway, I want to wish everyone a happy holiday, no matter what one you
celebrate.  I don't know what I would do with all my time if I did not read
the FML!!  Thank you to all who make it happen, those who created it, those
who belong to it, and mostly to the Creator for putting these fantastic
creatures in our lives.  I cannot think of any animal I have ever been
happier being owned by, despite the losses.  It is all for love and the love
Happy holidays and stay safe.
-MsPea (Who misses her kids, but they are in a better place...with grass!!!)
[Posted in FML issue 1793]