I just took my last final (physics - poo), and I'm sooo glad they're over,
I'm doing a little dooking and wardancing of my own.  This week ranks right
up there with the ickiest weeks of all time.  School was closed for two days
due to a blizzard that wrecked the whole state.  Both interstates were
closed from border to border, wind speeds 30-40 mph, wind chills 40-70
below, blowing snow...we spent two whole days at home - never left the
house.  Bongo and Boomer thought it was great.  They got more play time than
they ever dreamed of!
I went to UPS to mail some packages, and picked up a mailing tube.  Great
ferret toy!  We stuck one end between two cushions on the couch, and the
other end on the floor - they went sliding down, jumped up on the couch, and
did it over and over, just like little otters.  I said so, and Dean (evil
man that he is) grinned maniacally and went into the kitchen.  He came out
with a bowl of water and put one end of the tube over it.  Bongo went
sliding down, and splash!  She was furious!!  Then she started putting her
toys in the bowl.  Boomer was too busy trying to haul his big butt up on the
couch to really catch on to what happened, so down he went, totally
oblivious.  SPLOOSH!  He came flying out of the bowl and ran under the couch.
Then he came flying back out, scrambled back on the couch, and went down
again.  And again...Now, you'd think he'd be a little more receptive to a
bath, wouldn't you??
Happy Holidays to everyone!!
Tanya ("Free at last, thank God almighty, I'm free at last!")
Bongo ("OK, what else goes in this bowl?? Oh, yes - this calculator.")
Boomer ("More water!  More water!")
Dean ("he he he he he")  <--evil laugh
p.s. BIG - glad to hear you're feeling better!!
[Posted in FML issue 1790]