>From:    "FRITZ, GINA M."
>Subject: Bad News
>... there are some statements here that raise a brow.... First of all I
>don't know of any case were ferrets are "allowed to roam outside freely"
>that won't take off.  We are talking about a ferret not a cat.
There was a very similar situation here in South East Florida not too long
ago.  I believe it was in Brevard county (a couple counties north of Miami).
There was one of two family ferrets that was confirmed to have rabies, and
according to the article I read, the ferrets were allowed free roam of the
family's ranch.  I believe the wife and a housekeeper were both bitten in
days preceeding and had to undergo rabies shots.
This is NOT an unconfirmed rumor!  Hopefully there's someone here from that
area that can fill in the details.
Perhaps they have more smarts than we give them credit for having.  Maybe
with no other houses or roads in the immediate vicinity, they can run free
and know where to return for food and water.  Like you, I also wondered how
someone could actually let a ferret run free outside and still have them
after a few days.
* Michael F. Janke - [log in to unmask]
* Member, South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue
* Shelter Home Page - http://www.bridge.net/~mjanke
[Posted in FML issue 1790]