Over the weekend Smokey's situation worsened, the rapid growing tumor
(walnut size on the outside by monday) completely closed his ability to
poop.  The cancer mass had spread around his bowel and most of his pelvic
region.  Monday I said goodby to my sweet old baby, a little friend who has
been such a comfort to me since my son David died.  I held him as he went to
sleep and I told him to kiss his Ol'buddy David for me, kissed his nose and
he was gone.  We are devastated, why this should happen to such a loving
creature.  Many caring people from FML & TriFL tired to help Smokey.  We are
eternally grateful for all the support.  I hope for the future, we can
improve the understanding of diseases and treatments for the fuzzy baby's we
hold so dear.
Lorie Whitworth
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[Posted in FML issue 1752]