I usually just lurk, but with election day coming up, I was curious as to
whether there was a listing anywhere of the local and state-level
politicians' (and candidates') stance on ferret legalization in
Also, we were following some links from the CDFA web site, which mentioned a
confiscation in Sunnyvale, but the link on "Sunnyvale" was dead.  Is there
any more info on this incident?
Re: boy ferts called Lucy
I also have a boy whom I call "Lucy".  His name is really Luz -- Spanish for
"light", which kind of evolved from Lucifer ;-).  He was a terrible biter
whenentered my life, but after much patience (and many scars on the tops of
my feet from the big ol' holes he put there :-), he has turned into my
little (ok maybe at 4 pounds -- biggest one my vet has seen, he's not so
little) cuddlebunny.  He lets me put him in otter position on my lap, and he
cheerfully accepts belly rubs.  Jim and Sue, our best wishes are with you
for your Lucy... and for all the sick fuzzies out there.
Anyone know how to discipline a bite-and-run fuzzy?  Simmi, almost a year
old has begun snapping during her weasel war dances -- she hasn't really
done this before, and she always races off under the dresser before I can
tell her what a bad thing she's done, and give her time to reflect on it.  =)
- Alyssa and the gang
[Posted in FML issue 1740]