To all our Human pets of ferrets: Thank you all so much for your prayers. We
may not have time to respond to each of you individually; Lucy is home and we
are sharing TLC duty (which we are so thankful for!!) We are not out of the
woods yet-we still await the biopsy results of "her" liver problem, so,
please, keep praying with us. I took a "Mental Health" (sick) day Monday when
they had to look inside Lucy. A fellow ferret fanatic made a Guardian Ferret
Angel for Lucy,  and when Saint Mary came back to me to say Lucy still has
hope, I smiled. When Mary told me that during prep, she saw a sprout and told
me that Lucy is really a boy, I laughed!!!! Leave it to Lucy!!!!!!!!!! I
think she likes being home; she drank water on her own for the first time in
2 weeks. Her...I mean his best buddy Thumper is elated to see him. (Jeez, I
can't get used to this sudden sex change!) Thumper=Dennis the Menace clone
was down to 15 minutes of terror and is now back up to all-nighters! Ferret#3
Lacey just Happy-dances all day and all night. Life is good when you have
ferrets! Thanks, everybody!!!!!! Love, Sue Jim Thumper Lacey, and especially
[Posted in FML issue 1740]