Hi everyone, I am back to request help if anyone has any to offer.  As you
may remember, Abu (my albino) has a rare condition called Pegonegative
Anemia.  I have no idea what this is or how it is supposed to affect these
little animals.  The vet and I did find out that glade-plug-ins, carpet
deodorizer and stick-ups are all harmful for him, so all of that has been
removed from my house.  This has helped very little.  Abu is now up and
running, but after about 30 minutes is just exhausted and sleeps for a
couple of hours.  Does anybody know about this condition or of anything
similar?  If so, we could sure use any and all advice that you have.  I know
that it has not been found in a ferret this young or in a male (as far as
Washington State University knows).  Anyhow, if any of you have any answers,
I would be grateful.  Abu was given 1 week to live and that has been 9 days
ago, so hopefully he will get better, but right now we are against the
clock.  Please e-mail me at my home address if you have any information.
That address is: [log in to unmask]
Thank you very much!
[Posted in FML issue 1740]