Greetings to you all,
I wanted to let all of you know that ferret math finally struck the Herrick
home.  Priscilla Juniper Herrick arrived on Saturday, thanks to the many of
you who are responsible for her safe journey.  She is a pure delight and
only wants to dook and play.  Her big sister Abbey seems not too sure what
this little fuzzy is.  She will adjust, I know she will but if any of you
parents out there have any suggestions I am listening.  Thanks again to you
all.  You are truly special to us and Priscilla sends kisses to all the
aunts and uncles she met along the way!
The Herrick's
Shon, Laura, Abbey (No that is my sleeping basket!) and Priscilla (Don't go
to sleep, I want to play!)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Laura Herrick, Coordinator            ("`-/")_.-'"``-._
Women in Science and Engineering      (. . `) -._    )-;-,_()
124 Freeman Hall, Box 340914          (v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'
Clemson University                    _;- _,-_/ / ((,'
Clemson, SC 29634-0914              ((,.-'  ((,/
Phone: (864) 656-7472        E mail: [log in to unmask]
Fax: (864) 656-1397
[Posted in FML issue 1751]