I have been doing much thinking lately (and overheated my head several
times!) and a stray thought smacked against my forehead.  I am wondering...
is a Lap Ferret made, or is he/she born?
Reason for asking is this: I have heard many FML-ers relate wonderful storie
about their ferrets crawling on their lap to snooze.  Well, I decided that I
wanted mine to do that too... Jabba seemed like a likely candidate, because
he would fall asleep in my arms after only a little coaxing.  I decided to
convert Tenaka and Cayanne as well, and while they will EVENTUALLY slide
into Fuzzy-Dreamland, they squirm A LOT before they do.
I don't know if this is related to the above or not, but when the ferrets
are running around the room and are close to the bed, they will run as fast
as possible under the bed if I reach for them.  I dunno if it is because I
know that they sleep under there, and they have begin to think that when I
reach for them they are gonna get held until they sleep, and they don't want
to, or if they are playing.
Should I continue to get them acclimated to sleeping with me, or should I
just let them decide where and who with to sleep?  Should I reach for them
at all, or let them decide if they want to be scratched and held?  Just some
questions that have me thinking... and since the old brain-pan has been
singed a few too many times with heavy thinking lately, I hope someone out
there will have an answer or three...
     Bryan & the Somnambulant Squad (Tenaka,Cayanne,and Jabba-the-Fert)
[Posted in FML issue 1750]