Bryan and all,
Just wanted to let you all know we got Bryan's boy.  My DH was in DeCalb, IL
with his new job and Vicki Rollins was kind enough to meet him between there
and Chicago (thank you Vicki) and he picked him up with no problems and
while driving home decided on a name.  His name is Ulysses after the Greek
Ulysses for his courage and determination.  He's a bit shy because of the
move but we will be giving him plenty of love and time to get use to every
one.  Spartan seems to have made the fastest and best bond with the family
(including the fur babies, except Job).  Athena and Ulysses are both Albino
while Spartan is a chocolate.  Maybe inbreeding in Mr. Friend's ten year
stint as ferret breeder with his albinos?  They both seem overly timid and
nippy (and they both enjoy sharing their "ode de ferret" with us);).  Any
comments from our breeders on the list?  Athena is coming along and doing
much better.  Her fur is finally getting soft and she lets you pet her in
her cage with out trembling.  She still stiffens her legs when we get her
out, tho' even that is not as panicky.  She is slowly warming up to some of
the rest of the fur babies, again Job is not one of them and this time
Badger joins him in this.  :( But she got even, they were pestering her
through the cage one day and she "poofed" them.  They didn't care for their
"ode de ferret" perfuming and sneezed their way to the bathroom!  (Athena 1,
Job and Badger 0).  We will keep everyone apprised of how they are all
faring.  Does anyone know if descent them would make any difference or is it
possibly too late for that?  We don't want to do that if it's not necessary.
I think Badger is just following the leader, he's Job's cohort.  But we let
Athena and the few that she will tolerate out together in our computer room,
and we let Ulysses out with her today and her chosen few and they seem to
get along.  We'll just continue to have separated outings until it changes
or we determine it will just be a permanent part of playing with our fur
Thank you again to all who helped with the rescue from Kaye and Troy Lynn
and other shelters involved, to those who drove their little charges with
love and care like Joe and all the other drivers, to those who kept the
little charges in the interim of their final destination, like Vicki and to
the others who opened their homes to these little babies to love.  We are
thrilled to be a part of it and are grateful to those who trust us to love
and care for these special fur babies.  Thank you to all.
Vicky, Rick and our "busyness" of 17
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Families are Forever
[Posted in FML issue 1750]