>From:    Helen Andersson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Blue ears reaction w/Ortena
I'm not a vet nor am I familiar w/Ortena.  I have always used liquid
IVOMECTIN (sp?)drops w/complete success.  Ask your vet about it.
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Flea Problems
The only way to resolve a flea problem is to treat the entire problem, not
just what's on the critter, since fleas spend most of their lifecycle off
the animal.
You have to treat the WHOLE environment.  It's probably not that you're not
taking care of the bugs on the critter, new ones are just jumping on as soon
as the eggs they've left behind hatch.  If your ferret has fleas, sorry to
say it, but so does your house.  You have to treat the ferret & any other
pets, all the bedding & your carpet & upholstery.  Some people use bombs,
but they are toxic & leave a considerable amount of film on EVERYTHING that
must be washed off.  Bomb treatments also have to be done 2-3x because it
doesn't kill the unhatched eggs.
Luckily I haven't had to deal w/the problem for many years, thank goodness.
But no matter who I've spoken to that has tried FLEA BUSTERS raves about it.
It is not a chemical, but a non-toxic mineral power that's worked into the
carpet & upholstery & kills fleas in the home for a year or more.  You can
have the service done for you by the company, or purchase the product from
your vet.  Program is good (& very expensive), but doesn't kill the flea, it
only keeps them from reproducing.  On my crits, as a preventative measure
during the GA heavy flea season, I use FRONTLINE (800) 660-1842 for product
info), which is a neurosomethinginhibitor (it kills them), w/no ill effects.
>From:    Dade Sures <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:  "Echo"
I've heard that about blazes, don't know if it's true.  I experience is that
the deaf ones *talk* & scream more, at least the ones I've come in contact
My friend Pat has an adorable chocolate blaze that's deaf.  She learned to
roll over by hand signals.  The only thing Pat doesn't do w/her is call her.
Well she can but Dixie doesn't pay any attention!  Deaf frits get around as
well as blind frits, which get around at hearing/seeing frits.  They're just
a little noisier.
>From:    Jason Matchett or Heidi Reagle <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Samantha digging to china...
Sprinke some red hot pepper where she digs.  Some of you probably aren't
going to like this & say it's cruel.  But if it comes down to ruining your
carpet/losing your apt or having to get rid of your baby, I think a little
nose sting & a few sneezes are worth it.
[Posted in FML issue 1750]