I have a slight problem.  I'm going to be visiting my parents for winter
vacation (I'm a college student).  I will be bringing my ferret Silk, back
home with me.  We have a dog (cockapoo- some kind of lovable mut) at my
parents house.  This dog, Buffie (I wasn't a very imaginative child when I
named her) is quite old; she's probably around 12 yrs old and weighs
probably around 20 pounds.  Buffie has had a history of trying to chase dowm
animals.  We have even caught her wrestling down a possum almost as big as
her one time, and she has even managed to kill a very small possum once
before.  Is there any hope for my two furry friends to coexist peacefully?
Buffie's fairly well trained and only stay in one part of the house and I'm
going to be keeping Silk in my bedroom.  But it would be sad if they
couldn't at least be able to stand the sight of each other even under
supervision.  Any advice and opinions?  Thanks.
[Posted in FML issue 1749]