Here's another ferret reference from a semi-obscure show, this time "The
Young Ones" (the episode's Bambi, when the four losers are about to go on a
game show...)
 [Vyv attempts to enter the studio with a pig]
GUARD:  Hang on, what's that?
VYVYAN:  It's my mascot!
GUARD:  A pig?
GUARD:  It is.
VYVYAN: It's not, it's a ferret.  A deformed ferret, I'll grant you that.
So severely deformed in fact that it looks a little bit like a pig.
GUARD:  Looks exactly like a pig.
VYVYAN: Yes, well, it certainly has been remarked upon.  In fact, just as
John Hurt is known as the Elephant Man, Bacon Sandwich here is known as the
Pig Ferret.
GUARD:  Bacon Sandwich? Funny name for a ferret, isn't it?
VYVYAN: Ha!  And that's where I had you fooled.  Because it's not a ferret,
it's a pig.
MIKE:  Well done, Vyv, you've certainly got him there.
What I want to know is, has anyone else ever considered naming their ferret
Bacon Sandwich?  I wanted to, but it would have broken my motif...
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[Posted in FML issue 1748]