I just wanted to let you all know that Bijoux is doing better and is making
progress in her recovery.  So far she's still on prednisone, but it's
working.  So far in her recovery I've done pool therapy.  physical therapy
and plain old determination and persistence.  But one of most encouraging
news happened tonight.  She began or at least tried to use one her hind legs
while crawling around.  For those of who don't know what I'm talking about.
Let me enlighten you.  About 2 1/2 weeks ago she was attacked by my cat, who
bit her on her shoulder and since has been paralyzed in the hind legs.  Her
bite wounds have since healed.  Well I just wanted to let all of you know
since I got several messages of concern about her.  And we thank you.  many
of the idea have helped.  Oh Bijoux spirits have lifted too, she no longer
seems as depressed, frustrated but she seems more hopeful, nevertheless!  :)
Matthew and his ferret kritters Peanut and Bijoux
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[Posted in FML issue 1748]