>From:    Dani Lucking <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Harvey is losing hair
>I just spent megabucks today on vets.  One for our regular vet, which
>probably will not be anymore after today, and one for a new vet, which will
>probably not be a repeat, either, though she was nice.
Some people, no matter what their profession, welcome new knowledge and are
not offended by a layman knowing a little more on a topic than they do.
If you don't have any other ferret knowledgeable vet in your area, you might
do better by offering to supply the "nice" vet with info gleaned from the
Ferret FAQ and whatever else you can come up with.  You have an opportunity
here that you might not want to pass up if this nice vet is willing to
accept your input.  Who knows, you could be instrumental in creating a new
ferret vet in your area.
As for your ferret... adrenal problems are not usually emergency situations
so you're better off taking time to find the right vet and get the right
diagnosis rather than rushing into surgery.  I'm no vet though, so take the
advice of an EXPERIENCED ferret vet over mine any day!
* Michael F. Janke - [log in to unmask]
* Member, South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue
* Shelter Home Page - http://www.bridge.net/~mjanke
* Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those
* of the South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue.
[Posted in FML issue 1748]