Hi Fuzzy lovers!
I would like information on how to start a ferret club in my state.  Your
thoughts and ideas would be greatly appreciated.  If there are other
Montanan ferret people out there please feel free to write or call me.  I
live in Bozeman, and already several people are interested in meeting once a
month to discuss our ferts.
I have two adorable girls, Suzi-Q and Mickey (As in hey, Mickey your'er so
fine, your'e so fine you blow my mind!) They were both rescued about a year
ago and are very small.  I was told that they were fixed too soon and it
stunted their growth, is this true?  Anyhow they are gentle and joyful and
my life has been so much richer since I got them.  If you want to call me
(especially you Montanans) my # is 406-586-9787 days and 406-585-8007 nites.
My E-Mail is DReid 78199.  I would love to hear from you!
Suzi-Q & Mickey(We love to dance to rock "n roll!)
[Posted in FML issue 1746]