To everyone who wanted to know about the child-proof magnet locks.  Since
this issue came up, there have been several posts.  I thought I'd compile
the info for convenience.
I found a source for the invisible magnetic locks from a *baby* mail order
catalog.  1 Step Ahead (800) 950-5120.  They call them *Tot Locks* - item
#4448.  The starter kit is 2 locks & a magnetic key for @12.95.  Or you can
buy 2 locks for $8.95 & individual magnet keys for 5.95 each.  I forgot to
ask about the shipping & handling chages.  I never said they were cheep -
but they're completely out-of-sight if you prefer not to have that
*ferret-proofed* look to your fine cabinets & they're absolutely,
politively, unequivocually, w/out-a-doubt FERRET-PROOF (child-proof too).
This is where I got mine from originally
>From:    Harold Way <[log in to unmask]>
>Magnetic cabinet latches are available from the Woodworkers Store catalog,
This one seem like the best deal
>From:    Donna Austin <[log in to unmask]>
>The Safety Zone mail order catalog has Magnetic Tot Loks for $14.95 for 3
>locks and 1 "key" and can be reached at 1-800-999-3030 (Item #K845776).
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>only thing he will eat is Duck Soup, and only if he is sitting in my lap.
He's enjoying your company too, a little too much.  I don't know which
recipe you're using, but I assume one w/softened kitten/cat/ferret food.
VERY gradually increase the amount of the softened food, so gradually he
doesn't notice the change.  Then start adding partically softened food, then
hard food, & then start to decrease the Ensure/Sustical/etc. little by
little.  It may take some time, be patient.
The same gradual process can be used transition him to eat on his own.  If
he's eating on his own, but only on your lap, make sure he's standing up,
then next to you, then walk away & come right back, then walk away & peek to
see if he's still eating.  Again, very gradually for each step.
I went through it w/a couple of my guys.  I used the same technique my mom
said she used on me when I was a toddler & would sneak into my parent's bed
every night.  Instead of carrying my back to my room, they started picking
me up, standing me on my feet, then walking me back until I just stopped
getting in their bed.
>Another question.  Joey shakes or shivers the
I find that lots of weasel shiver when they're not quite awake.  Are you
waking him up to feed him?
To:  Doug Gerald <[log in to unmask]>
Your weasels did such a great job posting that I just had to say HAPPY
Frodo, Rocks, Anola Gay, SNAFU, FUBAR, Tabu, Chaos & Tuxedo - Hippo birdy 2
ewe, hippo birdy 2 ewe...
[Posted in FML issue 1746]