It is me War Machine - yes yes the vulgar one who has a short temper.  This
time I am coming from a different angle with a calm and curious position.
I know some (most) people will think this is a senseless question - but
Princess's Birthday is on Dec.  25 Christmas!!  IS anyone else's fuzzybutts
birthday on any interesting day??  i.e. your own B-day??  Easter??
War Machine
Princess - "Daddy. I need to know if that KISS life sized limited
edition stand up is valueable and worth a lot.??"
Kevin (me) - " Why Yes honey - why??"
Princess - " I just made potty on it  *** :) *** "
Kevin - " It is okay - you look like a mink - I'll shave you and sell the
Does anyone know how pointless that whole skit was??!!!!!!  LOL
[Posted in FML issue 1746]